Thursday, 19 June 2014

I can't help myself!

Time, always a flexible thing, at least as far as I’m concerned, has done it again. I’m one of the many people who say “where has the time gone?”. Is it my imagination, or are most of those many people who say it of the slightly older generation?

All those statements like:
  • I can’t believe it’s June (or substitute whatever month of the year you like) already!
  • The year seems to go by faster every year!
  • It seems we’ve only just had Easter and already we are thinking about Christmas!
  • How on earth did I ever have time to go to work?

We finally managed to find time to visit Dunn's Swamp

part of the walk at Dunn's Swamp
All this is just me trying to find excuses for neglecting my blog. Yep, I’ve been busy. Nope, I can’t really detail all the things I’ve been doing to be so busy.

One thing I’ve been busy with is a new project. I can’t help myself, I suppose. Once a business analyst, always a business analyst? I saw a problem, and just had to try to solve it.

The problem? How to stop our craft cottage from going the same way as many others – closure as a result of not being financially viable. Without boring people with my thought process, it’s meant that I’ve spent the last few months working to get Rankin Cottage Crafts Inc onto the internet. Have a look !

This is just part of the solution to the problem – a solution that I haven’t got fully detailed yet, but at least it’s a start. Watch this space (or at least, the Rankin Cottage Crafts space) for further developments.

a vest I knitted - now in Rankin Cottage,
waiting for someone to love i
In the process of setting up the Rankin Cottage Crafts page, I’ve been learning about how to do all sorts of different things with a blog. I’ve even been forced to use html – much as I tried to avoid it, I just couldn’t. One of the things suggested for retired people is to learn a language to keep the brain active, but I don’t think html is the kind of language they were talking about. Mind you, at the moment, I’m only at the stage of being able to do the equivalent of reciting things from a phrasebook whilst not really understanding what they mean. I don’t think I’ll ever be fluent, but I hope to be able to make myself understood.

I have had a little time to update my own blog – to add a page to show a gallery of things I’ve made. This is a work in progress – I’m just mucking around, practising my language skills. Who knows what will happen as I learn more.

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